Mr. W.M.N.N.M. Wijesinghe, a student at the University of Kelaniya has achieved the bronze medal in the weightlifting event of the SLUG 2023 held from 1st to 10th September 2023
Mr. W.M.N.N.M. Wijesinghe, a student at the University of Kelaniya has achieved the bronze medal in the weightlifting event of the SLUG 2023 held from 1st to 10th September 2023
Mr. Ruwan Wijesinghe, a student at the University of Kelaniya has achieved the silver medal in the 89 kg category weightlifting event of the SLUG 2023 held from 1st to 10th September 2023
Ms. B. S. L. Mendis, Ms. W. A. M. R. Wijesuriya, Ms. T. G. I. T. T. Gamage, and Ms. H. M. N. Rathnayakaa, students at the University of Kelaniya has achieved the 2nd place in Women’s 4x400m Relay at the Track & Field Championship
Mr. S. M. S. S. Senarathne, a student at the University of Kelaniya has achieved outstanding feats at swimming events of the SLUG 2023