Wednesday, 03 July 2024

Dr. C.C. Jayasundara was assigned as the new Librarian of the University of Kelaniya.

Dr. C.C. Jayasundara obtained his bachelor’s degree with a first class honours from the University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka in 1997, MSc in Information Management from the University of Sheffield, UK in 2003 and Doctor of Literature and Philosophy in Information Science from the University of South Africa in 2010.

He has gained experience as a Deputy University Librarian of the University of Colombo and a University Librarian of the Fiji National University and as a Librarian of General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University. From 2007 to 2012, he worked as the Sri Lanka Country Coordinator of the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) in UK. He has been functioning as a research article reviewer for a number of peer-reviewed journals published in USA, South Africa, Venezuela, India and Sri Lanka. In 2006, he worked as a consultant to the Maldives Law Library, at the request of the Maldivian government, and also Project Leader of the SLIDA/SAREC library support programme in Sri Lanka.

“Wellness Navigation” programme organized by the Department of Sport Science and Physical Education of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya was held on the 23rd of October 2018 at Polpagoda Dharmapala Maha Vidyalaya, Galle. The programme was held for the fourth consecutive time and this is the first time which the programme was held out of the university premises.

The prime objective of the programme was to build social networks with the school community in rural areas. Changing negative perceptions towards the university undergraduates, inspiring school students in rural areas to follow the degree programme offered by the Department of Sport Science and Physical Education, enhancing the proud image of the University of Kelaniya were the other objectives of the programme.

The Taekwondo Boys’ Team and Elle Girls’ Team from the University of Kelaniya won the Championship of the respective competitions at the Inter- University Games. The winning teams called upon the Vice- chancellor, Prof. D.M. Semasinghe on the 15th of November 2018 at the Office of the Vice- Chancellor.

W.A.D. Isurujith, S.N.W.M.S.T. Weerasekara who won gold medals including the other members of the Taekwondo Boys’ Team who won silver and bronze medals and the Captain of the Elle Girls’ Team, J.D.A. Rajakaruna and the Vice- captain, P.H.D. Dayapathirana including the other team members were present at the meeting.

The first programme of the programme series: “Love and Humanity” organized by the Centre for Gender Studies under the assistance of the Student Welfare Division, University of Kelaniya was held on the 07th of November 2018 at Yakkaduwe Sri Pagnarama Hostel of the University of Kelaniya. The prime objective of this programme which aimed at first year undergraduates, was to develop cooperation among undergraduates through love and humanity.

Mr. Kapila Rathnayake, Founder- Voice of Humans Foundation graced the event as the resource person and he expressed his ideas on how to spend a meaningful university life and how to develop thinking ability. Moreover, it was a novel experience for the first year undergraduates since it was based on several practical activities.


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